
Did you know that the birth weight of a baby, whether a child goes to preschool or not, and how they do in school can often be predicted based on their zipcode? In Berkeley, African-American children are six times more likely to live in poverty than white children, have lower test scores and drop out of school. 2020 Vision is a citywide initiative that aims to end disparities in academic achievement --the result of systemic racism, generations of incarceration, lack of opportunity, underfunded mental health services and many other factors. 

By working with schools, city departments, post-secondary institutions, community groups, and families, 2020 Vision takes a “cradle-to-career” approach that targets interventions at key points of a student's life. It focuses on maximizing impact on kindergarten readiness, reading proficiency by the end of third grade, math proficiency by the end of eighth grade, college and career readiness and improved health and school attendance. 2020 Vision also looks at the needs of college-age students to ensure that every BUSD senior has a pathway to college and career that is fulfilling and rewarding and stretches their horizons.

The initiative is made possible through continued partnership with Berkeley Unified School District, UC Berkeley, and several community collaborators.