Rent Control Helps Prevent Displacement. Urge Your State Legislators to Vote "YES" on AB 1506!

I wanted to share a Call to Action from the Dellums Institute for Social Justice. Please take a moment to read and share with your network.

Repealing Costa Hawkins, the state law that prevents all new housing (since 1996) from being subject to rent control and exempts single family homes and condos, is needed to ensure that working families and others are not displaced as rental prices soar. 


We know that California's unprecedented housing crisis is directly related to the Costa Hawkins' law that prevents local governments from enacting comprehensive local solutions tailored to their local housing problems. Assemblymembers Rob Bonta, Richard Bloom, and David Chiu have stepped up to sponsor the repeal of Costa Hawkins, AB 1506.  But they need our help! In order for the bill to move, we need the Assembly Housing Committee to hold a public hearing on AB 1506 by September 15th.  Key Housing Committee members need to hear from Californians who care about the worst housing and displacement crisis in the State's history.  They have mainly heard from opponents of AB 1506.  

We need you and your network to do 2 things by August 18th:  

  1. Contact the below Housing Committee members and ask them to hold a hearing on AB 1506 by September 15th!
  2. Contact AB 1506 Sponsors to thank them for their leadership and ask them to push their colleagues to hold a hearing by September 15th!  

Please log in your information in the Call to Action Tracking Sheet.  

For more information on Costa Hawkins or to get involved in the Statewide Tenant Organizing Campaign, contact Tenants Together.


Assemblymember David Chiu (Housing Committee Chair & AB 1506 Co-Sponsor)
Eastern San Francisco (D17)
(916) 319-2017
Judson True, Chief of

Assemblymember Monique Limon
Santa Barbara, Ventura (D37)
(916) 319-2037
Bryn Sullivan, Chief of Staff

Assemblymember Ash Kalra
Eastern San Jose (D27)
(916) 319-2027
Chris Reefe, Chief of Staff

Assemblymember Ed Chau
Western San Gabriel (D49)
(916) 319-2049
Edmundo Cuevas, Chief of Staff

Assemblymember Rob Bonta (AB 1506 Co-Sponsor)
Oakland, Alameda, San Leandro (D18)
(916) 319-2018
Evan Corder, Chief of Staff

Assemblymember Richard Bloom (AB 1506 Co-Sponsor)
Santa Monica Area (D50)
(916) 319-2050
Sean MacNeil, Chief of Staff

Jesse Arreguin