A Community Vision for the Ashby and North Berkeley BART Station Areas >>
Presentation #1
Support for “step down heights” principle shown
Presentation #2
Parking at BART does not need to be replaced
2 stories over whole site is restrictive
Don't need to replace all the parking, hills residents can bus downtown
Good architectural style
There needs to be additional parking spaces, all low income housing
Not visionary enough
Presentation #7
Good mix of heights
Too much parking
Taller heights would allow for more amenities and open space
Not appropriate for neighborhood
Good balance between housing production (especially with the tower) and community needs, like access to open spaces
"Iconic restaurant" and tower not appropriate for residential neighborhood
The "transit village" is far too high, too dense, and too ugly
Yes, replace all 800 spots and add 100 more; "tower" suggestion wouldn't work for this neighborhood
Good focus on increasing the amount of housing available in the neighborhood in a realistic way
Presentation #8
Love that it connects to the greenway
Love that plan creates middle income housing
Focus on missing middle is important, but would be more appropriate for the surrounding blocks, which should be upzoned
Love mixed use and variety of forms
Love the style and scale of the buildings, "missing middle" is a great concept for this site
Should have more units than BART minimum
Appropriate variety of housing types
Could include 7 stories
Too tall
Not dense enough
Presentation #9
Oxford Plaza is great downtown, but too urban for North Berkeley BART
Presentation #11
Creative and realistic, we want more neighbors
Gorgeous rendering, but wrong scale for this site
Too tall
Good vision for a lot of housing and very different activities balanced with parking
Absolutely ridiculous
Blocks the view
Presentation #15
Needs to be great, but looks like status quo
Presentation #16
Too little housing, too much parking
Excellent scale, nicely shaped buildings, community meeting spot, good if limited to 4 stories,
Like view corridor.
Multi-modal access is important, no surface parking
One is the best designs, very thoughtful about use and emergency contingencies, must be sure to keep the view
Housing is more important than views of Mt. Tam
Focus on parking and open space is misguided, aiming to keep views of Mt. Tam isn't a high priority
Presentation #17
Most feasible of proposals
Replace parking with homes
Presentation #18
Interesting to pickup and drop-off
Presentation #19
Good traffic control
Greening whole site interesting but not sure if feasible
No building facades are a concern
Too much parking
Like the green space, but too tall
Like the idea of 2-3 stories, underground parking, and a path over the buildings
Can we offer housing units to people who don’t own cars? Create a carless complex, except for commuters who drive to BART
Like the large park 2 stories up; it's big, but not bulking
Presentation #20
Too short, new street?
Bikeway connection and access to vehicles from Virginia to Sacramento good idea
Non-starter; too high, huge, boxy, unattractive, no provision for replacing the needed parking it would displace, structurally impractical
Well done connecting Greenway
Presentation #22
Internal streets should be 15 mph or less, some 7-story height
I like the idea of private courtyards, but not sure they'd work out with the need for Ohlone open space
Fine print of "up to 8 stories" is not okay
No. Housing should be all low income, disabled, senior and not for students
Good focus on housing and good diversity of housing types
Presentation #25
Student housing poor choice
EVCs are invasive
Open space must be part of site
Too tall at the edges
Amazing idea that combines the life lessons of elders with the next generation responsible for a bright future
Good idea to continue Ohlone Greenway and integrate as much greenspace as possible
Good, thoughtful, students won't need cars, advantage of increased multi-generational community
Love the idea of natural + vegetation and a grove of native plantings
Like that there’s only one coffee shop and no other businesses
Presentation #26
Very thoughtful
Involvement of Ohlone a great idea
Architecture too repetitive
General Feedback
need housing for people commuting into Berkeley
build on San Pablo where people can take the bus
building should be no more than 2 stories
no commercial
need more parking not less
no retail
need community hall and could be used as earthquake shelter
need handicapped parking
dedicated senior housing
there are creeks that flow under neighborhood
there was a plan 50 years ago to build housing - can't wait any longer
1-2 stories on periphery
10 foot setback from sidewalk
green space
ok 3-4 stories at center
"green" entire BART parcel
engineering issues
BART and City should be required to provide permit parking to neighborhoods within 10-block radius
no mini-cities in Berkeley
city should share equity in some way so that it can make sure there is low income housing
should build town houses and mid-rise apartments on the parking lot across from the North Berkeley BART station
Need to prioritize homes for new residents instead of pushing them to the suburbs and forcing them to drive in to Berkeley
#15 has the most inspiring design
BART parking would be less of an issue if last mile service were better; current buses are too slow, infrequent, and ends too early. BART and bus service has to be improved
there should be less focus on parking unless the fees pay for cost of construction, need separate paths for pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles
Development should be limited to 1-2 stories when across from single-family homes, good idea to continue Ohlone Greenway and integrate as much greenspace as possible - public and private balconies and terraces for personal gardens
dislike the proposals targeting minimum housing density