Statement on U.S. Withdrawal From Paris Accord

(Berkeley) Mayor of Berkeley Jesse Arreguin today issued the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to remove the United States from the Paris Accord on Climate Action:

“Climate change is real and will have a real and devastating effect on our local communities. Trump's disastrous decision to back out of the Paris Accord will have devastating impacts to green jobs, climate change, and our country's standing as a world leader. While we had hoped that the federal government would show leadership in the face of this crisis, it now turns to us, local and state governments to take the lead." 

"The City of Berkeley has been always been at the forefront of environmental leadership. Now more than ever, it is urgent we take bold leadership to address the climate crisis. I am introducing legislation for Berkeley to continue its commitment to the Paris Accord. I have signed a statement with 61 mayors representing 36 million Americans to take action in protecting our only home. The world cannot wait and neither will we.”

Jesse Arreguin