City of Berkeley Wins $42 Million to Construct 150 Units of Affordable Housing

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July 8, 2020

BERKELEY – Today, Mayor Jesse Arreguin announced that the California Strategic Growth Council’s (SGC) Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) has awarded Berkeley nearly $42 million in grants for two affordable housing projects totaling 150 units.

“Affordable housing is scarce, so too are the resources necessary to bring new units online amidst a global pandemic,” said Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin.  “Our housing crisis has implications for affordability, transportation, homelessness and more, and that means this significant investment will have benefits for the entire community.”  

Thanks to SGC, $22,781,553 was awarded to the Maudelle Miller Shirek Community project, a transit orientated development (TOD) which will provide 87 units for residents at 20-60% area median income (AMI). The development will have apartments serving large families and permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless households. Transportation improvements will be made around Ashby BART for better bus, bicyclist, and pedestrian access.

The second project, the 63 unit Connected Berkeley development, was awarded $19,072,792. That project will also result in improvements to the Ohlone Greenway by North Berkeley BART, delivering on the promise of Berkeley’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans. 

These projects were made possible as a result of Measure O, a $135 million bond for affordable housing that was approved by Berkeley voters in 2018.  Since its approval, $36 million has been allocated for four developments, including Maudelle Miller Shirek Community and Connected Berkeley, totaling 209 units. Measure O, alongside Measure P, which provides $6-8 million in revenue for homeless services annually, were a major priority for Mayor Arreguin in addressing the joint affordable housing and homelessness crisis.

*Video of Press Conference*

Jesse Arreguin