Mayor Arreguin Statement on Return to Indoor Mask Mandates

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August 2, 2021

BERKELEY – Today, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin released the following statement after renewed public health orders mandating masks indoors:

“The data shows that the unvaccinated make up 99% of those hospitalized. While vaccinated persons have a very small risk of contracting the Delta variant, increasing vaccinations is key to controlling this pandemic. Those refusing to get vaccinated are impeding a return to normalcy for us all. Some refuse on the basis of fear or misinformation, while others are making a misguided political statement. But everyone that refuses to get their shots does so at the expense of their own health, wellbeing, and the freedoms of their neighbors.  They are prolonging this epidemic and its effects on our way of life.”

In addition to following regional health orders, I implore the public to get vaccinated and urge businesses to begin requiring proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test to ensure that our community can be kept safe. We have the collective power to end this pandemic, and by taking the free, safe, and effective vaccine, we can all finally move forward.”

Jesse Arreguin